About Our Post

Our History

March 7, 1946

A motion was made at the chamber of commence meeting held at Sal's Tavern to actively pursue the creation of an American Legion Post in the community.

According to a report made by Jule Hanson, Chairman of the War Marmoreal Committee.  52 Veterans have signed a petition expressing a desire to organize a post.  Further plans were discussed at a special meeting held on  March 6, 1946

Plans went through for the Legion Post but a month later tragedy struck. At the first organizational meeting of the Mastic Beach American Legion held on June 6, 1946 a motion was made that the new Post be named in the memory of Arthur H. Clune. The motion was carried unanimously. Arthur who was born on August 25, 1921 was killed in an automobile accident at the age of 24 on Mastic Rd. in April of 1946. He was a para trooper veteran of WWII and had survived 16 combat invasions.